
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Decade Plus of Quilting for Customers Is Coming to An End

It's amazing to me that I have been quilting for about 14 years now.  I bought my longarm at the end of 2000 and started quilting for customers within a few months.  I have done about 1400 quilts now.  Very few of those have been my own :)  That happens when you own a business.  The plumbing never gets his own leaky pipes fixed, a carpenter never has time to remodel his own kitchen, etc.  And a machine quilter starts to accumulate a pile of unquilted quilts.  So it's time.  Kind of sad, but also kind of exciting to look forward to whatever is ahead.  Only God knows that!
I appreciate all of you who I have had the privilege of quilting your quilts.  I have seen many masterpieces.  Many customers have been with me for almost as many years as I've quilted and it's allowed me to not only have a great business but make some wonderful friends.
Thank you to all of you!
Maybe now I will have more time to post on this blog :)

Here's a few customer quilts I've done this year.

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