
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bringing the garden into my studio

For those of you who live in the northwest, you are well aware that this has been one of the gloomiest, rainy winters/springs ever!  We occasionally get a peek at the sun, maybe a day, and then the rain is back.  My garden is struggling with all this cool, cloudy weather.  Today, though, the garden came inside.  I'm working on a customer quilt pattern called 'Grandmother's Garden'.  This is a beautiful quilt and I think one of the most difficult to make.  All the pieces are sewn by hand.  Then on top all the applique was added.  Absolutely exquisite.  This quilt requires lots of exquisite quilting so it may be several days before I complete it.  I'll post pictures when it's done.  By the way it's even more appropriate to work on a quilt with the word grandmother in it.  We just found out on Sunday that we have another grandbaby on the way.  Now besides my daughter having her first, my daughter-in-law is expecting their third.  We are so excited for them.  It's been almost 3 years since little Leah passed away (their 2nd child) and though no other baby can ever take her place, it will be wonderful to see another little one in their arms. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your grandchild to be. And lovely quilt too.
