I feel like I have worked on this quilt forever. This fall it will be two years since I started piecing the quilt. The applique work took such a long time to complete. Appliquing leaf after leaf got tedious and I found myself constantly putting the quilt away only to take it out a month or so later and challenge myself -- do two leaves a day and in a month it will be done! What finally motivated me was the desire to start a Dresden Plate quilt in miniature (mostly applique work) and my son-in-law saying, "you can't start something new until you finish that other quilt"! He was right of course, so now it's done. There still is the machine quilting to do on it. I want to have a good chunk of time to do that so I may not get to it for a few weeks. Ideas are brewing in my head as to how it should be quilted. I'll post when it's being worked on. Sorry for the poor photos. My husband has the camera and is in Peru, so I had to take pics with my cell phone.
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