Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Reproduction Quilt
I have always liked reproduction fabric. Maybe it's because I always secretly wished to be born in an earlier generation. I like old things so my nostalgia about reproduction fabric fits right in. This is a customer's quilt for a wedding. It needs to be in the mail by Friday. I struggled over what to do for awhile last night and finally just decided to start and go with my gut level instinct. Usually what I first see to put on a quilt in terms of design ends up being the best. When this quilt first arrived, there was a photo with it from the pattern and most of the quilt was cross-hatched. I do not like cross-hatching. Actually I like how it looks on a quilt, but the work and time it takes to do it causes me to dislike it a lot. Also, just cross-hatching the whole quilt wouldn't add much interest in the quilting design. Some straight line work, though, would add to the geometric look with the nine patches and sashing. So as you can see by the photos my designs are laid down for the whole quilt. Now I just need about a full day of quilting to complete this masterpiece.