Some may wonder how I manage everything. Having 6 children, 4 of which still live at home, takes a lot of efficient time management. There's lots of things to juggle: homework, meals, cleaning, church involvement, school involvement, spending time with husband and friends, etc. Then there's keeping up all the other things I care about: reading, gardening, sewing and quilting, caring for the pets (1 dog, 2 permanent cats and one cat that needs a home), daily or almost daily exercise. Not to mention keeping up with email, blogs, news online, my website, etc. Busy doesn't even come close to how some days feel.
So how do I manage? Well, sometimes not very well. Some things get put on the back burner for way too long. I have a list of unfinished quilt and sewing projects that were started years ago. My nightstand has a pile of books started but not finished. There's always something that needs to be cleaned, reorganized or filed away into some drawer or storage bin.
What has worked, though, for many years is scheduling as many things as possible. I have made a menu and the accompanying grocery list every other week for years. I try to designate certain days for different things. I quilt mostly on Mondays and Tuesdays trying not to leave the house and stay focused in my quilt studio. Wednesdays are Bible Study and after that it's either an errand or two and then house cleaning. It's also the day I try to write on either email or my blogs. Thursday is most often my day to shop and meet with friends for lunch. Fridays are my husband's day off so we often spend that day together. It's one of the days I look forward to most!
I try to be up very early every morning to read, study and get organized for the day ahead. The other thing that makes life much smoother is that my children do regular chores and have responsibilities for dinner clean up every evening. I also happen to have one of the greatest supportive husbands who tackles just about anything in the home as well as encouraging me in whatever my latest endeavor is. I have weeks where nothing seems manageable and other weeks where it all seems to run smoothly. I can honestly say most days, 'I love my life'!
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